As a clear commitment to ensuring quality and sustainable outcomes for home occupiers, developers are now registering their newly built homes against the Home Quality Mark.

Keen to differentiate their homes, leading developers see HQM as a clear way to communicate the Health, Running costs and Environmental footprint of the homes they build, all in an independently verified way that consumers can trust.

With significant registrations in London, the reach of HQM registrations ranges from the south in Bournemouth to Cumbria in the north.

Currently operational in England only, Home Quality Mark will soon be operational in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Home Quality Mark is suitable for all types of homes, registrations have come from high end apartments, to large scale redevelopments including affordable homes.   Flats as well as detached properties have all been registered from large multinational developers to smaller local builders.

We are expecting the first certificates to be issued in the coming months, which is faster progress than that of the Government’s Code for Sustainable Homes which took around a year and a half between the first Technical Guide being issued and the first Certificate to be issued.

Registering to use the Home Quality Mark shows a commitment to build to a higher standard than regulations.  This can help gain planning permission and there are early signs that it can help with financial investment for the development.

Registration requires a licensed HQM assessor to be employed, details of which can be found on Green Book Live here.  If you wish to become a licensed HQM assessor, you can find out information here.  We believe there are tens of thousands of homes that developers wish to complete the Home Quality Mark on, but have yet to employ an HQM assessor.

Registration remain free until 31st October 2016, so there is an incentive to act fast!

After the summer break, details of some of the registered developments will start to be released to the national press.

*Credit to BRE Buzz