Part G Water Calculations

Part G of the building regulations covers Sanitation, Hot Water Safety and Water efficiency.

Section 17k requires that any new dwelling and dwellings created through material change of use, meet a water efficiency target of 125L per person, per day, calculated via the governments approved methodology.

Some Local Authorities stipulate lower requirements as part of their planning policy and other assessment methods such as BREEAM can also require a lower level is achieved.

The Water efficiency is calculated using the flow rates of products such as showers, taps, toilets and dishwashers and includes general assumptions on usage, rain and waste water harvesting can also be factored in.

The targets can be difficult to achieve with the many different and high flow products on the market and the relevant information can be hard to obtain from manufacturers.

We offer a range of services from target specifications to full calculations of specified products. We also offer Part L and G packages ensuring that your compliancy needs are managed simply and efficiently and you get the House and products that you want.

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    129 Walton Lane
    Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 8BQ


    Phone: +44 01282 788032
    Mobile: +44 07967 727 708



    Monday-Friday: 9:00 – 17:00
    Saturday-Sunday: Closed